“Spes non confundit” is Latin for “hope does not disappoint”. This is the theme of Jubilee 2025 in the Roman Catholic Church. The Jubilee Year is a long-standing tradition in the faith celebrated every 25 years not just in the Vatican City but all throughout Catholic Christendom. Jubilee 2025 was launched on Christmas Eve 2024 and will run through Epiphany 2026.
NegrosNex Network Corp., the company behind Negros Season of Culture, gives full support in spreading news and messages from Rome revolving around Jubilee 2025. This, in recognition of the nation’s 500-year-old Catholic heritage. To help achieve this, in 2024, NegrosNex formalized its partnership with Rome Reports.
Engaging with fellow visitors at the Vatican, sharing insights and fostering connections with people from around the world.
Rome Reports is a television news agency based in Rome, Italy, with a global reach focusing on the Pope and Vatican City. This includes current events, papal addresses, as well as socio-political and economic discussions that impact the Vatican. Rome Reports has a diverse team of production experts deployed in many parts of Europe and the world who create news stories as well as documentaries.
Central to the celebration of Jubilee 2025 is the opening of the Holy Doors. These are specially designated doors in four papal basilicas in Rome, St. Peter’s Basilica, St. John Lateran Basilica, Basilica of St. Mary Major, and Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. It is expected that Catholic devotees worldwide will make the pilgrimage to Rome to pass through these doors.
Cardinal Tagle smiles for a group photo at the Vatican, capturing a moment of fellowship and shared faith.
Expanding the tradition of opening these four holy doors, Pope Francis opened a fifth on December 26th, at the Roman prison in Rebibbia. This was done as a symbol of “inviting all prisoners to look to the future with hope and a renewed sense of confidence”. More than just groundbreaking, opening this prison door is metaphorically liberating.
The door at Rebibbia is a door for all, for all of us are prisoners in one way or another – physical and health problems, financial woes, relationship dysfunctions – the sources of human suffering and imprisonment are as diverse as there are generations of people who day in and day out, year in and year out, struggle along. Because of hope. And the conviction that hope does not disappoint.
Fans and followers gather for a selfie with Father Greg, capturing a memorable moment during his visit to the Vatican.
From all of us at NegrosNex Network Corp. and Negros Season of Culture, and our partners at Rome Reports, a blessed Jubilee 2025!
Text by: Alan S. Gensoli
Photos by: Fr. Gregory Gaston